Birmingham Daily Mail
To cope with the enormous number of written applications received from the Midlands, it has been decided to open a temporary recruiting office in Birmingham for one day only.
This special Battalion for active service, sanctioned by Lord Kitchener, is being recruited from sportsmen up to 45 years of age. Now is the opportunity for the right man to join a Sportsman’s Corps. Pay at Army rates.
Recruiting Office:
Thursday, October 1.
One Day Only!
9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Birmingham Gazette
The Sportsman’s Battalion goes into barracks on 12 October at a training ground in Essex which has been offered for its use. The name before the War Office for approval as commanding officer for the battalion is one of the most popular big game hunters, who served in the South African War.
The Sportsman’s Battalion is a corps for gentlemen up to forty-five years of age, and only those exceptionally fit and accustomed to outdoor sports are accepted. It is the only corps in England for which the age limit has been specially extended by the authorities. Directly its full complement has been reached and passed by the authorities it becomes a unit of the Regular Army. The chief recruiting officer is E. Cunliffe-Owen, and the recruiting station is the Indian Room, Hotel Cecil, London, applicants being seen from ten in the morning until six in the evening. Recruiting officers have also visited provincial centres.
The force is to be 1,300 strong and reserve battalions are in contemplation. Payment by the recruit for his equipment is optional. Three large parks were offered the battalion as training grounds, and one has been accepted. The medical examinations by the War Office are on 6 and 9 October, and the battalion is expected to go into camp on 12 October.
Nottingham Post
Sportsman’s Battalion.
Nottingham Recruiting Office.
To cope with the enormous number of written applications received from the Midlands, it has been decided to open a temporary recruiting office in Nottingham for one day only.
This special Battalion for active service, sanctioned by Lord Kitchener, is being recruited from sportsmen up to 45 years of age. Now is the opportunity for the right man to join a Sportsman’s Corps. Pay at Army rates.
Recruiting Office:
Victoria Station Hotel, Nottingham.
Wednesday, Sept. 30.
ONE DAY only.
9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Western Daily Press
The following letter has been received by the Lord Mayor of Bristol from the Chief Recruiting Office of the Sportsman’s Battalion, dated September 28th September: –
Sir, – I take this opportunity of advising you that on Wednesday, the 30th inst., I am sending a recruitment officer to Bristol, where he will enrol applicants for the above battalion at the Royal Hotel, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. for that day only. I should esteem it a personal favor if you will be so good as to make this fact known amongst the townsfolk if your city, and do all you possibly can to help us to obtain recruits. It is owing to the great number of applicants that I have received from all parts of the country that I have received from all parts of the country that I have decided to open temporary provincial offices.
Thanking you in anticipation for your generous help and assistance towards the universal aim.
I am, sir, yours faithfully,
Chief Recruiting Office.